Team & contact

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Nouveaux commanditaires Suisse / Neue Auftraggeber:innen Schweiz
Maison des Arts du Grütli
Rue du Général-Dufour 16
CH-1204 Genève ↗

Mediation in French-speaking Switzerland:
Charlotte Laubard
+41 76 323 11 44 ↗

Mediation in German-speaking Switzerland:
Yasmin Afschar
+41 74 407 89 47 ↗

Project coordination:
Marie Gyger
+41 77 520 52 41 ↗



Aude Vermeil

Honorary President:

François Hers

Committee Members:

Madeleine Schuppli, Karine Tissot, Dominique Perruchoud, Matthieu Jaccard, Federica Martini, Sarah Burkhalter, Clifford Bruckmann


Numerous public organisations, companies and foundations contribute to the New Patrons’ success with one-time, annual, or multi-annual contributions.

We are a tax-exempt non-profit organization. This exemption guarantees that all funds received are fully dedicated to the realization of our mission and projects. We warmly welcome support from individuals, companies and private foundations, who may also take advantage of tax deductions in accordance with the applicable legislation in their respective cantons or countries.

Main partner:

Logo Mercator Stiftung

Initiative Leenaards Solidarités locales

République et canton de Genève

Loterie Romande

Fondation de France


Pro Helvetia

Fondation Hans Wilsdorf

Ernst Göhner Stiftung

Fondation Sandoz

Dr. G & J Guggenheim Stiftung

Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung

Temperatio Stiftung

Fondation Coromandel

FCAC (Fond cantonal d'art contemporain)

FMAC (Fond municipal d'art contemporain)

Canton de Vaud - Arts visuels

Kanton Basel-Stadt

Etat de Fribourg

Ville de Lausanne

International network

From France, the New Patrons initiative has emerged in other European countries and beyond. The first projects in Belgium began in 2002, followed by Italy, Germany, Spain and Switzerland in 2014. Over the years, an ever-expanding international network of projects has been established, now stretching from Finland to Cameroon and from Chile to Poland. To date, more than 400 projects have been commissioned by citizen groups in 15 different countries.

France ↗ Germany ↗ Belgium ↗ Italy ↗ Spain ↗


Graphic design:

Martin Stoecklin & Melina Wilson




Gegensatz Translation Collective, Berlin

© The material published on this website may be freely shared among individuals, but may not be republished in any medium without the written permission of New Patrons Switzerland.
Images: All rights reserved